Carbon Monoxide Facts and Protection

Among the most important facts to know about carbon monoxide are these: Something like 500 Americans die because of it every year. Many more are poisoned. It is now the leading cause of fatal poisonings in Britain. It is odorless and colorless, so there is no way to...

10 Most Common Causes of Fire

Counting down from #10, we will go over the 10 most common causes of house fires. Number 10: Faulty electrical wiring and outlets without ground fault circuit interrupters. These are listed as number ten, but that is so you can see them first! This is extremely...

Symptoms of a Clogged Dryer Vent

The most common indicators of a clogged dryer vent are clothes that remain damp through the drying cycle, the absence of lint on the dryer screen, and a hot dryer. Your dryer should remain cool to the touch, so if it heats up, that hot air is trapped and not going...

Being Safe with Kerosene Heaters

A portable kerosene heater provides localized heat by burning oil. This unvented space heating device is used either for supplemental heating or as an emergency heat source when the power goes out. It operates like a kerosene lamp, using a fiberglass wick to draw...

Candle Safety During the Holidays

The holiday season is officially here! This means lots of decorations, lights, holiday cheer, and of course, candles. However, while natural candle light can be beautiful, it can also be very dangerous. Homeowners need to be aware of this fact to keep their home safe...

How to Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Every year, roughly 15,000 people visit emergency rooms due to carbon monoxide poison. In addition, there are approximately 500 deaths every year. This is truly a silent killer, but avoidable. What can you do to keep your home safe and avoid subjecting your family...