Protecting Yourself from Chimney Drafts

Chimney drafts can be even more annoying in spring than in winter because the smells they carry are usually worse. Variously described as “sour and sickly”, “dry and acrid”, “damp and smoky”, all kinds of smells become more noticeable in spring. Usually mediated by...

How Your Chimney Actually Works

Many people use chimneys for winter fires that help keep the cost of heating down as wood can be cheaper than other methods of heat. Unfortunately, many do not know how a chimney actually works, and this can lead to dangerous situations. It is important to know how...

5 Reasons to Have Your Chimney Inspected

We talk a lot about the importance of regular chimney inspections, but you might not fully understand our reasoning. Take a look at this infographic, and you can get an idea about the various ways in which your chimney may not be working properly. A chimney that...

What Is the Cause of My Smelly Chimney?

It is not uncommon to walk by your fireplace and have an odd smell coming from it. Sometimes this smell is only temporary, but other times it has you reaching for a gas mask and wondering if something actually died in there. Well, you may not be that far off! Here are...